Friday, January 15, 2010

The Matching is Complete!

We're pleased to announce that the matching is complete. Each of you should be receiving an email today with all the information you need about the shower. Attached to the email you will find buttons! These buttons can be used on blogs and in product listings! There is a general one (seen below), one for shops, and one for moms! If you do not receive an email from us today, please contact us right away. We will check the email address we have in our records and resend it.

Please let us know if you have any questions! We will be in touch in the next week or so with more information about the Forum Blast as well as a survey about dates/times for the Virtual Baby Shower to be held in the Virtual Labs on Etsy. Let the shower begin!

PS. It came to our attention that the email was sent from Jessica's email account instead of the EtsyBabyShower email account by mistake. Please direct all questions and concerns to the Etsy Baby Shower Email Account. So sorry for the confusion!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the 2010 baby shower...missed you...did not know where you were after thread was closed!!
